Rhodes - A Medieval Island at the Edge of the Western World
Although we have visited many “medieval” towns throughout western Europe, none so far have compared to old town Rhodes. It is simply amazing. We felt like we were in the center of a castle, which in fact, we were. Rhodes Town was the headquarters and fortress of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, the last crusader knights. Many bloody battles and sieges were fought here against the Ottoman Turks. The castle finally fell in the 1500’s, but has been remarkably preserved. There are battlements everywhere, and the streets are made of the most elaboratly designed pebble-stone, not cobblestone, which is very interesting, but can hard on flip-flop clad feet. The knight's castle, city walls, and hospital are all still around and in good condition, making it a fabulous city to visit, deffinitly one of our favorites thus far.
Because there are no direct ferries, and the roundabout way via boat takes almost 2 days, we flew from Crete to Rhodes, which was a bit of an adventure in itself, because the short flight was on a turboprop (propeller) plane. Neither Laura or I had ever been on one before, so we weren’t sure what to expect, all we knew was that we had been told to avoid them. There were very strict luggage requirements for this small plane, so we spent the better part of a half-hour moving books and heavy objects between our bags and carry-ons, so that we could meet the 15 kilogram (35 pound) per bag requirement, to avoid any extra charges. The flight went fine though, and was smooth as silk, so no worries.
Our first day in Rhodes, we hung out at our hotel all morning and chatted with the owners, Louisa and Guido. They made us breakfast, and over a few cups of coffee, we talked about everything from politics to stories about travels and their hotel to family. In the afternoon, we went for a walk around the city and shopping for gifts and souvenirs.
Once we made it back to our room that night, we were interrupted by a chorus of cats, hissing and meowing. It was quite odd, and only lasted for a few minutes each time, and we found it extremely hilarious. This happened every night we were there and Eric’s theory on this was that there was somesort of cat eating beast below that attacked the cats, but that is another story altogether…
The next day, we slept in again. Later in the day, we dropped off our laundry, and headed out to do some sightseeing. Our flight to Jerusalem wasn’t until 12 PM that night, so we decided to keep the hotel room until 8 PM, to store our things there and so we could shower off after a hot day on the town, before traveling onward.
WHat we found durring our time in Greece is that apparently, the Greeks, as well as Europeans in general, love french fries. They come with just about any meal, from roasted chicken, grilled fish, and lamb, they come on gryos and sandwiches, on pizza, with eggs for breakfast, served with steak for dinner, and even served with pasta dishes. Just about every time we eat out, we end up being served french fries. We are excited to move to a new region that serves less fried potatoes.
So, a new chapter is now unfolding in our travels. We are officially done with Europe, and moving on to the middle east. We will be there for the next month or so, until we venture onto India. A change in language, food, customs, and culture is very anticipated and welcomed at this juncture, but we had a blast in Europe, making memories and friends to last a lifetime.
We miss everyone from home, and hope that you all are enjoying the blogs. A few words of encouragement from you all go a long way. Thanks so much for responding and sending us emails! Now hope you enjoy the pics!
Eric and Laura