Life is what happens while your making other plans...

Picture this: Husband and wife, driving across the country in a rented SUV, packed with everything the two of them own, apart for a few things left with Grandma. Two pullovers, one doctors visit, and 3000 miles later, they end up in Keene New Hampshire, holed up for a few days so the new wife can get over her well deserved ear infection before embarking on the trip of a lifetime.

Fast forward to the present, we are now in Ireland, trucking around Dublin, meeting Irish people at every turn, throwing back a few Guinness. Well, not the beer yet, its only 11:30 AM. So far, we have seen the Irish Post Office, O'Connolly Street, Trinity College, Dublin Castle, Bank of Ireland, and are heading to Christ Church and the National Museum. Next stop, Scotland!

The adventure has begun, stay tuned for pictures and videos. They are coming soon!

Eric and Laura


ape said…
I'm glad to hear that you guys made it finally. It was great to have you guys here for Easter. Have fun thanks for everything love ya!
Unknown said…
What happened, were you doing it in the ear. Giggidity giggity goo!
Unknown said…
Eric! Why would you ever say Laura deserves an ear infection? Shame on you.

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